We where busy creating new Tables and working with new software to improve the graphics quality of the game, we where trying to create a Normal Domino Table, with the looks of a Typical Domino Table, since we beginning we where creating tables with a very Radical Look, but, we are trying to back up a little and make some more simple and grounded looking tables, at the same time we where experimenting with new ways of texturing, trying to improve the cosmetic look of the game.

Like always this table it's in Development and his look can change at any moment without notice, we are working hard to deliver the best we can, with the resources we have and have fun along the way.

Working with the pieces of this week was easy, we didn't find a lot o problems between the pieces, it looks like we are getting closer to finish our First Phase with the Pieces, we are kind of stuck implementing a more user friendly way of playing the Domino Pieces, but we are making progress.
