DOMINO RISING - Development Update

Thanks for your support.
I really appreciate the amount of support and interest we are getting with DOMINO RISING, taking time of your day in order to read about our DOMINO project it's a very big and important show of appreciation, things like this give us a lot of motivation to continue working with the project for years to come, our schedule it's very tight but we always do something in DOMINO RISING in order to push forward day after day.

We had change some things around inside the blog, from now on, the title on the section "The Render of the week" will read "The Art of Domino Rising" and the title on the section "The Pieces of the Week" will read "The Pieces Update", because it's not possible for us to do a weekly post we are changing those titles, I hope this changes bring a clearer understanding of the post and the communication between us continue going forward.

The Art of Domino Rising.
In the following art, we are trying to communicate a gameplay mechanic where you will be able to find coins in the streets of the towns of DOMINO RISING.

Pieces Update.
Despite our tight schedule and the changes we were doing to the posts of the blog, we are continuing adding new code to the pieces of DOMINO RISING, this is our priority step, right now in the development process.

The Technology Report.
Here we trying to communicate how our experience with the game DOMINO RISING it's, how good it's running, which program we are using to run DOMINO RISING and how good they are working. We are doing this report because a lot of the technology used to develop DOMINO RISING are from third parties developers and we have NO CONTROL over those pieces of technologies:

Our report had no changed from the last week and we are still experimenting the same inconveniences.

Adobe Flash: This technology its being develop by Adobe, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't.
- We used this to create the game itself, everything you see in the screen is created whit this technology.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very happy to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

Firefox Quantum: This technology it's being develop by The Mozilla Community, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't. 
- This it's the platform we using to run the game.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

Google Chrome: This technology it's being develop by Google Inc. they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't. 
- This it's the platform we using to run the game.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

PHP: This technology it's being develop by the PHP Group, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't. 
- This it's a scripting language we using to communicate between the flash and the database.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

MySql: This technology it's being develop by the Oracle Corporation, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't.  
- This it's the Database to create the servers for DOMINO RISING.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

DOMINO RISING it's still in development process, Nothing in this post it's final and can be changed without previous notice.
