DOMINO RISING - Weekly update.

Updating Little things.
We are coming back with more DOMINO RISING updates, we fixed a lot of pieces we found broken after the INTERNAL TESTING and we fixed some details in our GIAN character for DOMINO RISING, which started like a year ago, you can check it out in the following link, but we hold it for a while to continue working with the pieces, then we comeback again to finish him or at least give him a better state.

Render of the Week.
This week we were finalizing the cosmetic works in the character GIAN for DOMINO RISING we began a year ago and we have to stop it, in order to speed up the ongoing process of fixing the dominoes pieces, we came back the last week and finish those little details that we where missing last time, like the painted face, blue ears, blue arms, blue hands and no backpack. We have a side by side between the old and the new GIAN character in the picture below.

Pieces of the Week.
This it's a daily ongoing process in the DOMINO RISING development, we got this very complex task to inject Artificial Intelligence to the pieces of DOMINO RISING, so they behave more natural against the user inputs, when we play dominoes in real life we don't pay attention to the many things we do on the table, we move pieces and we locate those pieces in seconds, thanks to our super secret Artificial Intelligence we are trying to help you replicate the same movement using the computer.

The Technology Report.
This it's a new section of the blog, we trying to communicate how our experience with the game DOMINO RISING it's, how good it's running, which program we are using to run DOMINO RISING and how good they are working. We are doing this report because a lot of the technology used to develop DOMINO RISING are from third parties developers and we have NO CONTROL over those pieces of technologies:

Adobe Flash: This technology its being develop by Adobe, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't 
- We used this to create the game itself, everything you see in the screen is created whit this technology.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very happy to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

Mozilla Firefox: This technology it's being develop by the Mozilla Community, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't.
- This it's the platform we using to run the game.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

PHP: This technology it's being develop by the PHP Group, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't.
- This it's a scripting language we using to communicate between the flash and the database.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

MySql: This technology it's being develop by the Oracle Corporation, they run updates and changes in their end, sometimes DOMINO RISING runs good, sometimes doesn't. 
- This it's the Database to create the servers for DOMINO RISING.
- Right now it's working good in our end and we are very excited to continue working with it, how long will continue working this way it's unknown.

DOMINO RISING it's still in development process, Nothing in this post it's final and can be changed without previous notice.
